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Xi-Amaru Tribal Government

4.0 ( 7920 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Anthony Baez

What is the Self-Administered Reparations Project?
It is the International project to assist Indigenous Peoples worldwide with the plans strategies services products resources and resource management to implement self-government, economic viability for individuals, families, communities, and nations.

Our work consists of a pilot project commenced in North America tailored to address the cultural, socio-political, and economic needs of the Indigenous peoples called African-Americans. We extended that project globally after creating a national template that could be exported internationally.

We are available to bring complete restoration to Indigenous Peoples who have been damaged by the acts of genocide, colonization, neo-colonization, and institutional eugenics. That plan of restoration requires only the will to activate your individual, family, community, and national potential to link Indigenous Peoples globally.